The need for efficient and effective coordination of care to adequately serve children living in foster care is broadly acknowledged by experts in the field. This Roadmap describes how information technology and the electronic exchange of information can be used as a powerful tool to improve the coordination of care and provision of services for children living in foster care in California.
After presenting alternative models for an electronic system that facilitates information sharing between providers in the foster care system, and considering the technical, financial, and political opportunities that exist for moving this effort forward, this Roadmap recommends concrete steps that the State and other key stakeholders can take toward improving outcomes for children in foster care through the use of information technology.
In the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA), Congress gave states significant flexibility to design and build Express Lane Eligibility (ELE) enrollment and retention initiatives that meet their unique needs. As a result, in designing an ELE initiative, states face a number of key decision points. Published in partnership with the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, this brief provides an overview and discussion of those key decisions.
This issue brief outlines how telehealth—the use of technology to provide health services at a distance—in schools is emerging as a valuable way to complement and expand the capacity of schools to meet the health care needs of children, particularly those who are low-income and living in medically underserved areas. This brief is a blueprint for action—laying out practical steps—to help California state and community leaders make real the promise of school-based telehealth to improve health outcomes for children.
Published in partnership with the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, this brief provides an overview of ELE and identifies the potential benefits of implementing an ELE initiative.
This resource gives states a framework for moving forward with modernizing public program enrollment technology in a manner that improves the consumer experience, promotes systems integration, and complies with the Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA) Framework. In line with MITA, the core requirements laid out in this resource would improve Medicaid and CHIP performance through systems changes that enhance program automation, standardization, and interoperability.
This E-Health Snapshot provides an overview of the health information technology provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) that have direct implications for Medicaid.
This brief discusses lessons learned from early state cross-program enrollment efforts that can inform future Express Lane Eligibility efforts.
This document tells the history of Express Lane Eligibility. It profiles the role that the California Express Enrollment initiative played in this model for change, which starts with research, uses pilots to test a concept, evaluates those pilots, and proposes policy based on that evaluation.
This research and policy initiative, a joint project of The Children’s Partnership and the Public Health Institute/Center for Innovation and Technology in Public Health (CITPH) (formerly HealthTech), was designed to assess how information and communication technology can improve children’s health and to support planning to ensure that the most promising technologies are effectively deployed. Based on our research, forecasting, and the convening of an Expert Panel, the following resources were developed:
- Executive Brief
- Forecast Points
- Key Trends and Policy Opportunities
- Expert Panel Summary
- Children’s Health Background Data
- Innovative Children’s Health and Technology Program Summaries
- Technology Profiles:
This program brief describes the School2Home vision, identifies the targeted schools and describes the outcomes the program might expect to achieve based on research from around the country.