ALL IN For Health

At TCP, we are all in for kids. ALL IN For Health brings new tools and information about health coverage and care opportunities directly into communities. Through high-impact partnerships with local organizations, we reach families and children where they live, learn, and play. Schools, health centers, faith-based organizations, libraries, and other community centers can play a critical role in reaching children and families to help them make sure they have what they need to lead healthy lives.
Partner Spotlight: California State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Over the past two years, the ALL IN For Health Campaign has partnered with California’s State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI), Tom Torlakson. As the head of California’s public schools, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction is uniquely positioned to spread ALL IN For Health’s message to school leaders across the state. In his role as SSPI, Tom Torlakson has acted as a champion for health coverage and has been an effective partner in getting our message out by sending letters to schools statewide. We thank him and the California Department of Education for their partnership.