Addressing California Children’s Dental Disease: Restoring CCDDPP Background Paper

The California Children’s Dental Disease Prevention Program (CCDDPP) was a highly successful program that helped to improve the oral health of California’s underserved children. Between 1980 and 2009, CCDDPP provided school-based oral health prevention services to hundreds of thousands of underserved children. Funding for the program was suspended indefinitely in 2009.

With dental disease being the number one chronic health problem among children in California and nationally and schools being the ideal place to reach children with necessary preventive dental care, it’s time to restore funding to CCDDPP.

WEBINAR: School-Based Telemedicine

Learn What’s Involved, How to Get Started and the Secrets to Successful School-Based Telemedicine Programs.

AMD Global Telemedicine, MY Health-e-Schools and The Children’s Partnership organization have come together to share our knowledge on how to implement, run and sustain an effective school-based telemedicine program.

Listen to this archived webinar to hear first hand from MY Health-e-Schools about how they started their program, lessons learned along the way and how they have managed to sustain success. In addition, hear from The Children’s Partnership about school-based telemedicine programs from across the country, lessons learned and the benefits of school-based telemedicine.

Finding Dental Care in California: A Snapshot of Using the State’s Website to Find a Medi-Cal Dentist for Children

This issue brief summarizes findings from a study that illustrates the difficulty parents of children enrolled in Medi-Cal often experience in accessing dental care for their children. The study mimicked the online process that parents can use to try to find a dentist who treats Medi-Cal patients and found the experience often exasperating.

Specifically, it looks at the accuracy and reliability of the State’s online resource—the national website—for identifying dentists who treat children enrolled in Medi-Cal, and assesses families’ experiences when calling identified dentists.

Electronic Information Exchange: Elements that Matter for Children in Foster Care

This brief lays out the case for investing in systems that enable electronic information exchange for children and youth in foster care, reviews existing efforts underway in states and communities, identifies specific elements that serve this population most effectively, and discusses steps that state advocates can take to establish an integrated electronic record of care for foster children and youth in their state.

Fix Medi-Cal Dental Coverage: Half of California Kids Depend On It

Medi-Cal’s dental program will soon provide dental services to about 50 percent of California’s children. Yet, the program has proven to be inadequate to meet their needs. This issue brief spotlights stories of children enrolled in Medi-Cal trying to access dental care. The brief highlights the challenges facing Medi-Cal in providing dental care to children, examines the State’s efforts to address these problems, and provides an action plan to help the program serve its growing number of enrollees. 

Download the Fix Medi-Cal Dental Coverage infographic

Fix Medi-Cal Dental Coverage Infographic_March 2015


Using Telehealth Technologies to Improve Oral Health for Vulnerable and Underserved Populations

Telehealth refers to the use of technology to provide health care at a distance. The important and increasing role of telehealth in the delivery of health care has been recognized for several decades. Although there are fewer reports on the use of telehealth to deliver oral health services, evidence is emerging that these technologies can enhance the ability of the oral health delivery system to reach vulnerable and underserved populations.

Affordable Care Act: Top 11 Benefits for California Children and Youth

Just six months after the Affordable Care Act (ACA) law was signed on March 23, 2010, California children gained expanded health coverage and new protections that will ensure that more children have the health care they need to grow up healthy and ready to learn. Health care reform is already helping millions of California children and their families – and even more will benefit once the law is fully in place in 2014.

Youth and Technology State Fact Sheets

Developed by The Children’s Partnership, these state fact sheets provide key data regarding technology and youth, making particular note of problem areas. Use these fact sheets to determine where your state stands and to push for improved digital opportunity for youth.  

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Building A Consumer-Driven Eligibility, Enrollment, and Renewal System: Essential Design Features for Effective Health Reform in California

This roadmap lays out the four design features (and practical recommendations for action within each) necessary to enroll almost 4 million Californians newly eligible for subsidized health coverage under health reform, in addition to assisting the over 8 million already receiving such coverage. While written with a specific focus on California, the information and recommendations in the report will be relevant to decision-makers in any state.

Download the Executive Summary