Governor’s 2024 May Revise Unacceptable for California’s Children and Families

Governor’s 2024 May Revise Unacceptable for California’s Children and Families

For immediate release

Maya Meinert
(213) 341-0383

[LOS ANGELES] May 10, 2024 – Today Gov. Gavin Newsom released a revised budget proposal that unfortunately does not protect the progress made in children’s health equity in previous budget cycles.

“Gov. Newsom said this budget lays out a long-term, multi-year strategy. Children’s health equity is always a multi-year strategy,” said Mayra E. Alvarez, president of The Children’s Partnership. “The governor is making a choice to cut the very programs families depend on to raise healthy, thriving children. Instead, California will spend billions of dollars on tax breaks for high-profit corporations.”

While we understand the enormously difficult position the governor is in with the state’s budget deficit, TCP is deeply disappointed that Gov. Newsom did not include funding that would safeguard health care coverage for young children, a thriving wage for community health workers, or reliable internet access for families – all of which would build health equity for historically marginalized communities of color.

California has the resources to create health equity for children and families – now we need the courage. The time is now for California to consider new, progressive revenues rather than weaken the critical services families rely on. Our state has the opportunity to create fair tax policies that will narrow California’s unacceptable racial income and wealth gaps, and advance health equity for children.

In particular, TCP is disheartened to learn that, for a third year in a row, funding for multi-year continuous Medi-Cal coverage for children ages 0-5 was not included in this budget revision. Despite policymakers having taken steps to implement this policy enacted two years ago, funding is required to preserve young children’s continuous Medi-Cal coverage. Continuous Medi-Cal coverage guarantees access to crucial preventive care during the most critical formative years for our youngest Californians.

Other proposals left out of the budget revision that are on TCP’s list of priorities include:

  • A rate increase for community health workers, promotoras and representatives, which would have raised their base rate to at least 87.5% of the Medicare rate and put the increase on par with other proposed provider rate increases.
  • $1.5 billion in funding to finish the state’s middle mile broadband network to ensure reliable internet connections for homes, schools, libraries, clinics and other establishments that children and families rely on for their health and well-being. While the full amount was included in the governor’s January budget proposal, this proposed funding has been eliminated in the May Revise.

By not supporting any of the aforementioned policies or programs, the governor is signaling a retreat of his promise to build ‘A California For All.’ TCP recognizes that the governor proposes a preservation of the expansion of Medi-Cal to income-eligible people regardless of age or immigration status, as well as child tax credits. However, by not proposing alternative revenue strategies, California loses.

TCP looks forward to continuing working with Gov. Newsom and policymakers to create a balanced budget that also reflects our progressive California values of innovation in supporting all children and families in leading healthy, thriving lives.

Read more analysis from TCP’s policy directors.


The Children’s Partnership (TCP) is a California-based children’s policy and advocacy organization committed to advancing child health equity through public policy, research and community engagement. TCP envisions a California where all children—regardless of their race, ethnicity or place of birth—have the resources and opportunities they need to grow up healthy and thrive. Learn more at